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Nos tarifs

Tous les draps et serviettes de l'hôtel sont fournis.

Le seul coût supplémentaire est (chauffage au mazout pour Sunset House & Dolphin House). Ceci est mesuré et facturé au départ.

Des lits bébé et des chaises hautes sont fournis gratuitement sur demande.

Le Seascape Cottage ne peut accueillir que 2 adultes.


Toutes les réservations peuvent être faites en nous contactant directement.

Seascape Cottage

All year round - Minimum stay: 3 nights

3 night stay

Max Number of Persons: 2


5 night stay

Max Number of Persons: 2


7 night stay

Max Number of Persons: 2


Sunset House

All year round - Minimum stay: 3 nights

3 night stay

Max Number of Persons: 6


5 night stay

Max Number of Persons: 6


7 night stay

Max Number of Persons: 6


Dolphin House

25th Feb - 1st Nov - Minimum stay: 3 nights

3 night stay

Max Number of Persons: 7


5 night stay

Max Number of Persons: 7


7 night stay

Max Number of Persons: 7


All hotel bed linen and towels are provided and hot water is included in the price.


Hotel daily standard heating is provided free of charge. If you require heating to be on 24/7 an agreed charge may apply.


Cots and high chairs are provided free of charge on request.


Seascape Cottage accommodates 2 adults only no Children allowed.


All bookings can be made by contacting us directly.


None of our holiday homes allow pets or on the property. Service dogs or guide dogs are allowed providing there owners can show certification.

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